People different cultural heritages have many different aspects to them. Two of those aspects can be said to be spiritual heritage, for one, and cultural heritage, for another one. But either one of these is too complex to be viewed very much as simply an aspect of culture, I think.
I believe that the three types of heritage tend quite strongly to naturally interact. But they clearly are distinct, all three of them, even so - at least as I see it. There can oftentimes be spiritual and/or genetic, I think, dispositions for cultural tendencies. But such disposition might also spring from a culture itself, I think. Either way, when an attitude or tradition or so sticks a bit exclusively to only one people, even if those people emigrate or travel, then there is, I feel, vicariance to that culture. but if there's a similar vicariance that seems to depend (more or less exclusively) upon the geographical area where that people lives, rather than on the people itself, then one has - of course - a geographical vicariance to that culture. Usually, I think, such a vicariance comes to be mostly due to that spirits of ancients (not necessarily human beings) still dwell in that area and influence it. Possibly that can to some extent be true also about people that move, but then those spirits seem, I think, likely to be exactly their ancestors, and, perhaps at least, exclusively their ancestors of the same species as they. This I have written more about in my previous post (below).
It seems likely to me that such a vicariance about ancestry is manifested genetically in each and every individual. It is hardly possible, I guess, that this type of manifestation is only in the genes, though. More likely the genes interact with spirits of a person's ancestry.
As everyone knows, however, culture spreads in other ways than only through cross-breeding. This can perhaps be a sign of that a person can oftentimes be inspired by people he or she meets to take similar - or perhaps exactly the same - spiritual contacts. These contacts might possibly, I feel, even manifest, or at least begin to manifest, in the newly inspired persons heritage, including this person's genetic disposition. This I have written more about here, where I've been into periods of learning. Actually, though, I believe that sometimes one can manifest in oneself an attitude or so, even without that time to it. I mean that it seems probable that when things are clear-cut about what that attitude is about, then one can have an instantaneous spiritual contact about it, a tendency of which, even so, I believe, manifests even genetically.
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